Balaji Institute of Distance Education serves as an admission and counselling centre for multiple government-recognized universities. We provide a central point of contact for regular and distance education programs from various boards and institutions.
Yes, all courses are approved by the UGC, Ministry of HRD, and the Government of India.
Distance education is a method of learning where students receive instruction and study materials remotely rather than attending classes in person. It utilizes online platforms, video lectures, and digital resources to facilitate learning, enabling students to interact with instructors and classmates virtually.
10th, 12th, BA, B.Com, BBA, BCA, MA, M.Com, MBA, MCA, PGDCA, PGDBA.
Yes, the certificate is recognized for job opportunities globally. For further information, you can check the MPSC and UGC websites.
Yes, we offer both distance and regular learning programs from various universities.
High-quality education at an affordable price.